O u r  

N u d e  

C o l l e c t i o n 

W A S 

C R E A T E D ...

To layer 

To mix and match 

To play with shapes and transparency

To act as a uniform of beauty, comfort and ease

To wear to sleep

To wear grocery shopping

To wear to a dinner party 

To get married in

To seduce yourself

Exquisitely made, exceptionally lovely, practical pieces for every day use. Seasonless and eternally available

Care of Nude Collection Pieces: We recommend hand washing and line dry in shade. To maintain the pleated rumpled look delicately wring items dry and lightly twist into a knot, let dry in this form. Ironing with a warm iron is ok too if you do not want too many wrinkles.


Quezalcoatl (2015 - present)


Mexchic Tienda, Oaxaca M. Bravo 307